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Developing today's communities and tomorrow's leaders.

Give Back Cincinnati is the area's largest young professional volunteering organization that provides community service opportunities with a social twist.

Youth Club Meeting
Collecting donations

Our Mission

Enhance our communities through engaging young volunteers and developing leaders by providing unique community-engagement opportunities.

Volunteers Cleaning Park

Give Back At A Glance

Give Back Cincinnati is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2000. It was started by a group of young professionals eager to help Cincinnati thrive through volunteer projects. Since its inception, the organization has focused on creating distinctive community service, leadership development, and social engagement opportunities, specifically designed for early-career individuals in the Greater Cincinnati area.


GBC Members can participate in as many or as few volunteer opportunities as they’d like, and at the end of the day, they celebrate new friendships. In fact, our turn-key events only require one thing – for members to show up!

Here’s a snapshot our 2023 impact: 

  • 42 Events

  • 9,000 Hours spent volunteeering 

  • 1,200 Volunteers 

  • 16 Communities served across Greater Cincinnati Area

Volunteers Packing Food

Upcoming Events

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